Again, we send a tech volunteer ahead to see what's needed
During our initial learning process the hand-over took two stages, with the kids meeting us with their therapist to discuss what was needed and how we might make the adaptatio…
Jiselle's agile brain is held back by her tired heart
Jiselle has a heart condition that meant she wasn't expected to live much past her first birthday. But she's a battler, and at six a cheeky little girl who makes a great photograp…
Lilli can't keep up on family outings, until she gets her car
Lilli has a rare chromosomal abnormality which means she's tiny – at two years old she weighs 9kg and is already smaller than her active one-year-old brother. She can't keep up, a…
Vavega is a typical lad who couldn't wait to get his new car home
Vavega has cerebral palsy, and at seven years old cannot yet walk independently. He has a wheelchair, but that doesn't encourage play, or playful interaction with others. It liter…
With plenty of theory under their belts, the team meets the first three children – proposed by Kidz First Hospital paediatrician.
BMW kindly lent its head-office training room and the kids and their families arrived one at a time.
Each needed to be measured, and we discussed their needs and whether we mig…